Hybrid Generation Reduces Diesel Consumption

Client: Owner
July 25, 2021
Category: Solar Plant
Solar Energy Engineering
electricity, innovation, solar energy, Renewable Energy

Our Approach

Client’s Challenge
A multinational Oil & Gas services provider, as a pilot to its wider commitment to utilize clean energy at its facilities, has enlisted ASD Square’s expertise for the design and implementation of a hybrid generating system at its plant in the UAE.
ASD’s Approach
ASD2 undertook site surveys, along with as-is and post solar structural evaluations and preliminary solar energy production estimates to assess the project’s feasibility.
These deliverables went into the Level 1 design package for customer review ahead of design finalization.

Upon incorporation of client feedback into preliminary designs, ASD2 commenced with development of an Issued-for-Construction (IFC) drawings and procurement packages, in addition to detailed SOWs and RFQs for key elements of the project.
Value Realized

– Key design inputs were provided to help the client ascertain lifetime return on investment (ROI) due to savings in fuel consumption, and to ensure an efficient project execution;
– A competitive tendering process was conducted for supply and installation of the solar generating plant based on a common and complete design, removing ambiguity and risk of budget creep;